- Headlines for December 31, 2001 | |
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Description | - Headlines for December 31, 2001 - A Shortcut Through 2001 By Award-Winning Journalist, Peter Bochan - The Year in Review: A Free Speech Radio News Special Report, By Geoff Brady - Roundtable Discussion On the Year That Was: Robert Knight, Bernard White, Pratap Chatterjee, Kris Abrams, and Jeremy Scahill |
Uploader | archivedotorg@democracynow.org |
Public Date | 2007-12-10 14:50:38 |
Language | No Language |
Codec | h264 |
Resolution | 320x240 |
Bitrate | 511.961 kb/s |
Frame Rate | 29.97 fps |
- Headlines for December 28, 2001 | |
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Description | - Headlines for December 28, 2001 - JROTC: The Military in America’s High Schools: Homeroom Or War Room? A Debate - Michael Parenti: Globalization and Terrorism |
Uploader | archivedotorg@democracynow.org |
Public Date | 2007-12-10 19:21:18 |
Language | No Language |
Codec | h264 |
Resolution | 320x240 |
Bitrate | 512.214 kb/s |
Frame Rate | 29.97 fps |
- Headlines for December 27, 2001 | |
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Description | - Headlines for December 27, 2001 - Afghan Journey: En Route to Kandahar - An International Delegation of 90 Peace Activists Are Assaulted By Israeli Soldiers As Theytry to Cross the Border Into Gaza - The Arab League Faces Eviction From Its New York Headquarters - Mother Courage: Imagining Peace, Excerpts |
Uploader | archivedotorg@democracynow.org |
Public Date | 2007-12-10 14:56:58 |
Language | No Language |
Codec | h264 |
Resolution | 320x240 |
Bitrate | 512.183 kb/s |
Frame Rate | 29.97 fps |
- Headlines for December 26, 2001 | |
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Description | - Headlines for December 26, 2001 - Jon Alpert Speaks From Pakistan (En Route From Chaman to Quetta) - Zia Mian Talks About the Impact of the War in Afghanistan On South Asia - Edward Said Discusses the Cycle of Violence - Zia Mian Speaks About the Impact of the War in Afghanistan On the Escalating Crisis in Southasia - Charlotte Bunch Reports On the World Conference Against Racism in Durban South Africa And Sets the Record Straight - An Interview with Palestinian Leader, Marwan Barghouti |
Uploader | archivedotorg@democracynow.org |
Public Date | 2007-12-10 14:54:07 |
Language | No Language |
Codec | h264 |
Resolution | 320x240 |
Bitrate | 511.997 kb/s |
Frame Rate | 29.97 fps |
Democracy Now! television program for Tuesday, December 25, 2001 | |
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Description | Democracy Now! television program for Tuesday, December 25, 2001 |
Uploader | archivedotorg@democracynow.org |
Public Date | 2001-12-25 00:00:00 |
Language | en |
Codec | h264 |
Resolution | 320x240 |
Bitrate | 511.96 kb/s |
Frame Rate | 29.97 fps |
- Headlines for December 24, 2001 | |
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Description | - Headlines for December 24, 2001 - Olympic Torchbearer Runs Barefoot Through Philadelphia in Solidarity with Nike Workers In Indonesia - The State Department Has Started a Public Service Campaign to Root Out Suspected Terrorists. Free Speech Radio News Reporter, Jeremy Scahill, Has the Story - A Retired Telephone Worker Finds Out That Even the Local Gym Has Eyes - As Violence Mounts in the Occupied Territories, a Delegation of Palestinian, Israeli, Andamerican Activists Organizes in Solidarity to End the Occupation - As the Global Coffee Crisis Worsens, a Human Rights Organization Launches a Grassrootscampaign Demanding That Folgers Start Offering Fair Trade Coffee |
Uploader | archivedotorg@democracynow.org |
Public Date | 2007-12-10 14:51:52 |
Language | No Language |
Codec | h264 |
Resolution | 320x240 |
Bitrate | 512.055 kb/s |
Frame Rate | 29.97 fps |
- Headlines for December 21, 2001 | |
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Description | - Headlines for December 21, 2001 - Argentina’s President and Cabinet Resign As Tens of Thousands Pour Into the Streets Toprotest a State of Siege and Government Imposed Austerity Measures Demanded By the IMF - Civil Liberties Lawyer Alan Dershowitz Says Torture By US Law Enforcement Is “Inevitable,” and Might As Well Be Legalized. A Debate Over Legalizing Torture Warrants - Federal Authorities Indict Tyson Foods, the Nation’s Largest Poultry Corporation, Forsmuggling Workers From Mexico to Serve As Low Paid Workers in Its Factories - The Justice Department Announces Guidelines for the September 11 Victim Compensation Fund,and Leaves Undocumented Immigrants to the Mercy of Individual States and Private Charities |
Uploader | archivedotorg@democracynow.org |
Public Date | 2007-12-10 14:49:15 |
Language | No Language |
Codec | h264 |
Resolution | 320x240 |
Bitrate | 512.119 kb/s |
Frame Rate | 29.97 fps |
- Headlines for December 19, 2001 | |
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Description | - Headlines for December 19, 2001 - A Federal Judge Throws Out Mumia Abu-Jamal’s Death Sentence, Ruling That the Formerjournalist and Black Panther Is Entitled to a New Sentencing Hearing After Two Decades On Death Row - African-American Scholar, Activist and Theologian Cornel West Speaks On the Challenge Of Progressive Politics and the Struggle for Racial Justice After September 11 - A Federal Judge Throws Out Mumia Abu-Jamal’s Death Sentence, Ruling That the Formerjournalist and Black Panther Is Entitled to a New Sentencing Hearing After Two Decades On Death Row - “The Dominion of Death”: An Israeli Mother Who Lost Her 13-Year Old Daughter in a Suicidebombing Speaks Out Against Israel |
Uploader | archivedotorg@democracynow.org |
Public Date | 2007-12-10 14:44:23 |
Language | No Language |
Codec | h264 |
Resolution | 320x240 |
Bitrate | 512.033 kb/s |
Frame Rate | 29.97 fps |
* Headlines for Tuesday, December 18th, 2001 | |
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Description | * Headlines for Tuesday, December 18th, 2001 * A Coup Attempt in Haiti Leaves Seven Dead and Scores Wounded * Another World Is Possible: Activists Create a Cultural Response to the September 11th Attacks * African-American Scholar, Activist and Theologian Cornel West Talks About Working Formeaningful Democracy for Racial Equality, and for Gender and Sexual Liberation After September 11 |
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Public Date | 2006-08-03 23:20:19 |
Language | en |
Codec | h264 |
Resolution | 320x240 |
Bitrate | 512.181 kb/s |
Frame Rate | 29.97 fps |
* Headlines for Monday, December 17th, 2001 | |
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Description | * Headlines for Monday, December 17th, 2001 * Arafat Appeals to Palestinians to Halt All Armed Activity in the Occupied Territories * Justice Not Served for the Muslim Community * The Indian Government Threatens to Take Action Against Fellow Nuclear Power Pakistan Afterlast Week's Suicide Attack On the Indian Parliament * Hip Hop Artist and Activist Michael Franti On the Failures of the Music Community Sinceseptember 11 * The Indian Government Threatens to Take Action Against Fellow Nuclear Power Pakistan Afterlast Week's Suicide Attack On the Indian Parliament * Scholar and Activist Noam Chomsky Speaks On the War Against Afghanistan and the Shape of Theworld Since September 11 |
Uploader | archivedotorg@democracynow.org |
Public Date | 2007-11-28 20:21:09 |
Language | en |
Codec | h264 |
Resolution | 320x240 |
Bitrate | 511.997 kb/s |
Frame Rate | 29.97 fps |
Democracy Now! television program for Friday, December 14, 2001 | |
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Description | Democracy Now! television program for Friday, December 14, 2001 What Really Happened at the Prison Uprising Near Mazar-I-Sharif U.S. planes are continuing to bomb the mountain hideouts of trapped Al-Qaeda fighters after the expiration of asurrender-or-die ultimatum from the U.S.-backed Afghan forces besieging them. Al Queda forces had previously offeredto surrender in the presence of UN troops and diplomats from their own countries. Al Qaeda and Taliban fighters inthe southern part of Afghanistan needed only to look north for a glimpse of their possible fate. In one of the mostnotorious atrocities of the war, hundreds of foreign Taliban prisoners were massacred in a prison uprising inMazar-I-Sharif in Northern Afghanistan by Northern Alliance forces and US bombers. A Swedish Protester Who Was Shot By the Police While Protesting President Bush's Visit Togothenberg Last Spring Is Convicted of Rioting . . . But Did Police Doctor Evidence? Riot police are on standby in Brussels today, as some 80,000 people march through the Belgian capital, demanding theEuropean Union give labor unions a larger role in shaping social policy and do more to cut unemployment. A two-daysummit of EU leaders begins today, and is expected to draw anti-globalization activists from across Europe for threeother demonstrations this weekend. 3,000 riot police and horse patrol police officers equipped with water cannonshave been deployed on the streets, and Belgian air force F-16 fighters have been placed on alert. Terrorism, Security and Protest According to Anti-Globalization Guru Naomi Klein Since Vancouver hosted the APEC (the Asia Pacific Economic Conference) conference in 1997, Canadian politicians havefaced a dilemma: how do you clamp down on messy street protests without violating fundamental laws that guaranteefreedom of assembly and prohibit political interference with policing? Toronto-based syndicated columnist Naomi Kleintells us that: “Post-September 11, the answer has revealed itself, as elegant as it is brutal: ditch the laws.”According to some, this answer could apply to police investigations into the protests in Genoa and Gothenberg. Thedoctoring of the police video used in the trials of Swedish protesters Three senior Italian police commanders weretransferred to other posts last night after an investigation into the policing of riots at the G8 summit in Genoa inwhich one protester was shot dead and more than 230 were wounded. It amounts to a government admission that thepolice had used excessive force. Claudio Scajola, the Interior Minister, announced that Francesco Colucci, the GenoaChief of Police, Arnaldo La Barbera, the head of the Anti-Terrorism Squad, and Ansoino Andreassi, the Italian DeputyChief of Police, were being moved to other posts. The action placed a question mark over Gianni de Gennaro, theItalian Chief of Police. The investigation looked at an aggressive police raid on a school housing protesters inwhich 62 were injured and 93 were arrested. All police were cleared of any wrongdoing in September by aparliamentary committee. After the Bush Administration Tells the Networks Not to Air Unedited Videotapes of Osama Binladen, the Administration Releases a New Tape, Translated By the Pentagon The Pentagon released a translated videotape of Osama bin Laden yesterday. US intelligence officers claim they foundthe tape in a residence in Jalalabad in eastern Afghanistan. War On Terrorism for Whom? The US Sentences Cuban Spies to Life in Prison. They Say Theywere Trying to Prevent Terrorist Attacks On Fidel Castro A US federal court sentenced convicted Cuban spy Ramon Labanino to life in prison, a day after the alleged leader ofhis spy ring received the same sentence. President Bush Abandons One of the Most Important Arms-Control Agreements of the Last Threedecades, Pulling Out of the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty with Russia President Bush yesterday abandoned one of the most important arms-control agreements of the last three decades byannouncing that the United States is pulling out of the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty with Russia so he can pursuehis plans for a so-called missile defense. |
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Public Date | 2006-12-03 08:45:11 |
Language | en |
Codec | h264 |
Resolution | 320x240 |
Bitrate | 512.555 kb/s |
Frame Rate | 29.97 fps |
Democracy Now! television program for Thursday, December 13, 2001 | |
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Description | Democracy Now! television program for Thursday, December 13, 2001 Community Radio Advocates Regain Control of Pacifica Network, As a Legally Binding Agreementis Reached to Transfer Board Majority Control A historic agreement was reached yesterday between all plaintiffs in four lawsuits against the five-station PacificaRadio network and the Pacifica foundation’s board of directors. The agreement returns official control of thePacifica network, the nation’s oldest public broadcaster, to community radio advocates. Yesterday’s settlement callsfor an interim board, controlled by the current minority, to serve for fifteen months while new, democraticstructures are implemented for an elected national Pacifica board. As the World Pays New Attention to Women in Afghanistan, Muslim Women Debate Feminism Andfundamentalism In the last three months, as the US-led war in Afghanistan has escalated, the situation of Muslim women has taken theworld’s center stage. With many Afghan men killed in fighting, women now make up 54 percent of Afghanistan’spopulation. Many Afghan women have led lives constrained by both ancient customs and poverty: the female literacyrate is less than 5 percent. But before the country was devoured by violence, Afghan women were granted the vote in1929 in a constitutional monarchy. The Afghan king made the head scarf, sometimes known as a burka, optional in 1959.The country’s constitution institutionalized women’s right to education. By 1979, some 50 percent of college studentsin Kabul were female. Before the mujahideen took over the country in 1992, women accounted for 70 percent ofteachers, 50 percent of government workers, and 40 percent of medical doctors, according to the UN. The CIA and U.S. and British Special Forces Move Into Kandahar As in-Fighting Betweenanti-Taliban Forces Continues British and US special forces, along with CIA operatives, entered Kandahar yesterday, after staffing checkpointsoutside the city to search for al-Qaida fighters and senior Taliban members. U.N. Accuses U.S. Ally Pakistan of Forcing Refugees Back to Afghanistan, in Violation Ofinternational Law A potential humanitarian disaster is unfolding in Afghanistan’s largest refugee camp as new arrivals from outlyingvillages pour daily into a camp already filled with more than 200,000 refugees. Community Radio Advocates Regain Control of Pacifica Network, As a Legally Binding Agreementis Reached to Transfer Board Majority Control 1:25:27.6 As Two Leaders of the Jewish Defense League Are Arrested for Plotting to Bomb a Los Angelesmosque and An Arsonist Hits the Arab American Action Network, a Debate On Media Coverage of the Middle East 10 Israelis were killed and up to 30 wounded, many critically, when Palestinian gunmen ambushed their bus as it waspassing the ultra-Orthodox Jewish settlement of Emmanuel, near Nablus. |
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Public Date | 2006-12-03 05:20:34 |
Language | en |
Codec | h264 |
Resolution | 320x240 |
Bitrate | 512.076 kb/s |
Frame Rate | 29.97 fps |
Democracy Now! television program for Wednesday, December 12, 2001 | |
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Description | Democracy Now! television program for Wednesday, December 12, 2001 |
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Public Date | 2006-12-03 01:22:18 |
Language | en |
Codec | h264 |
Resolution | 320x240 |
Bitrate | 512.372 kb/s |
Frame Rate | 29.97 fps |
Democracy Now! television program for Tuesday, December 11, 2001 | |
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Description | Democracy Now! television program for Tuesday, December 11, 2001 Renowned British Journalist Robert Fisk Is Severely Beaten By Angry Afghans, Narrowly Escapes - and He Blames the West Renowned British journalist Robert Fisk was severely beaten by a crowd of people in an Afghan village just two daysago, and barely escaped with his life. "We Are the War Criminals Now" Interview with Robert Fisk, Part II "When I Saw the Dead and Dying Afghani Children On TV, I Felt a Newly Recovered Sense Of National Security. God Bless America" High School Suspends a 15-Year-Old Student for Anti-War T-Shirt We’ll spend the rest of the hour talking about student anti-war organizing around the country. We start with KatieSierra, a 15-year-old high school student from Charleston, West Virginia. She came to school one day wearing at-shirt with a handwritten message: “When I saw the dead and dying Afghani children on TV, I felt a newly recoveredsense of national security. God Bless America.” The school suspended her. The Fight Against the War at Home and Abroad: Hampshire College Passes a Resolutioncondemning the So-Called "War On Terrorism" Yesterday sixteen youth and student organizations, representing millions of young people across the country, launcheda campaign pledging to stand against the so-called “war on terrorism.” The National Youth and Student PeaceCoalition. Renowned British Journalist Robert Fisk Is Beaten By a Crowd of Angry Afghans - and He Blames the West As Alternative Media Outlets Become Increasingly Rare, the Feminist Majority Foundation Buysms. Magazine: A Roundtable On Women, War, Independent Media and Protest On a December 4 broadcast of the NBC Nightly News, firefighter Lieutenant Brenda Bergman described risking her lifeto save others. Although her story was similar to hundreds of tales we’ve heard from New York firefighters, Bergman’sexperience sounded unfamiliar when told in a woman’s voice. |
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Public Date | 2006-12-02 21:36:37 |
Language | en |
Codec | h264 |
Resolution | 320x240 |
Bitrate | 511.996 kb/s |
Frame Rate | 29.97 fps |
Democracy Now! television program for Monday, December 10, 2001 | |
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Description | Democracy Now! television program for Monday, December 10, 2001 Payback Time? U.S. Kills Over 3,700 Afghan Civilians in Bombing, Surpassing the Currentestimates of Civilians Killed in the World Trade Center a Democracy Now! in Exile Exclusive Richard Lloyd Parry wrote in last week’s Independent from Kama Ado, Afghanistan: "THE VILLAGE where nothing happened is reached by a steep climb at the end of a rattling three-hour drive along astony road. Until nothing happened here, early on the morning of Saturday and again the following day, it was a largevillage with a small graveyard, but now that has been reversed. The cemetery on the hill contains 40 freshly duggraves, unmarked and identical. And the village of Kama Ado has ceased to exist. A Rally for Mumia-Abu Jamal in Philadelphia Is Attacked; Seven People Are Arrested Andcharged with Felony Assault and Felony Riot; Three Demonstrators Are Hospitalized On December 9th 1981, 20 years ago, journalist Mumia Abu-Jamal was driving a cab in Philadelphia when he came to theintersection of Locust and 13 Street. He says he saw a police officer beating his brother William Cook. While it isunclear what happened next, it is undisputed that both he and officer Daniel Faulkner were shot, and that Faulknerdied. As Pentagon Denies Civilian Casualties and Mainstream U.S. Media Continues Its Blackout, Anew Hampshire Professor Releases Independent Figures in a Democracy Now! in Exile Exclusive Actor Activist Danny Glover Speaks Out On Independent Media and Transafrica Last week, actor and activist Danny Glover spoke at a Los Angeles fundraiser for Democracy Now in Exile. The staffhas been suspended without pay since August 14, but has continued to broadcast “The War and Peace Report” an expandedtwo hour daily radio program—on community radio stations and public access cable stations around the country. Over1,000 people attended the event to hear Glover, as well as many of the Fired and the Banned of Pacifica stations KPFKand WBAI. A Rally for Mumia-Abu Jamal in Philadelphia Is Attacked; Seven People Are Arrested Andcharged with Felony Assault and Riot; Three Demonstrators Are Hospitalized National Youth & Student Peace Coalition Kicks Off Today, the National Youth & Student Peace Coalition will launch a diverse campaign against the war. They are holdinga press conference to speak out against the potentially unending “war on terror” and its effects on student andyouth, as well as the Bush administration’s moves to limit the freedoms of Muslims, Arabs, immigrants, and anyone whoappears to disagree with them. They will hold the press conference at the National Japanese American Memorial inWashington, DC. |
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Public Date | 2006-12-02 17:40:04 |
Language | en |
Codec | h264 |
Resolution | 320x240 |
Bitrate | 511.923 kb/s |
Frame Rate | 29.97 fps |
Democracy Now! television program for Friday, December 7, 2001 | |
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Description | Democracy Now! television program for Friday, December 7, 2001 |
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Public Date | 2006-12-02 13:38:08 |
Language | en |
Codec | h264 |
Resolution | 320x240 |
Bitrate | 512.139 kb/s |
Frame Rate | 29.97 fps |
Democracy Now! television program for Thursday, December 6, 2001 | |
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Description | Democracy Now! television program for Thursday, December 6, 2001 The FBI Catches Fugitive and Self-Described "Anti-Abortion Warrior" Clayton Waagner After Heclaims Responsibility for Hundreds of Anthrax Threats Mailed to Women's Health Facility Clayton Lee Waagner, the fugitive sought in a nationwide wave of hundreds of anthrax threats against abortionclinics, was arrested today by federal agents after an employee at a photocopy store recognized him from a wantedposter. Afghan Women's Summit for Democracy, Brussels In an agreement described variously as “historic”, “remarkable” and “miraculous”, four Afghan delegations agreed inBonn to set up the interim administration under the auspices of the United Nations to end more than 20 years of warin Afghanistan. New Jersey Judge and School Board Jail Over 130 Teachers for Striking More than 130 striking teachers from Middletown, New Jersey have been jailed this week for disobeying a back to workorder. Dozens of Palestinian Riot Police Armed with Batons and Shields Fired Tear Gas at Thousandsof People Protesting the House Arrest of Hamas Leader Sheikh Ahmed Yassin; Police Kill at Least Onepalestinia Today in the Gaza strip, dozens of Palestinian riot police armed with batons and shields fired tear gas at thousandsof people protesting the house arrest of Hamas leader Sheikh Ahmed Yassin. Police killed at least one Palestinian. CIA Officers Sue Agency for "Abuse of Power," Alleging a Cover-Up in the 1999 Accidentalbombing of China's Embassy in Belgrade A group of CIA officers has brought a class-action suit against the agency alleging abuse of power against employees,including the cover-up of mistakes leading to the accidental US bombing of China’s embassy in Belgrade in 1999, forwhich several lower-ranking employees were blamed. The Bush Administration Is Out of Step with As Much As 79 Percent of the American Public. The Majority of Americans Support Mandatory Inspections of Possible Bioweapons Facilities According to a poll released last week, the Bush Administration is out of step with as much as 79 percent of theAmerican public. At least with regard to the Biological Weapons Convention, which is currently under discussion at areview conference in Geneva, the government and its people are in strong disagreement, with the majority of Americanssupporting mandatory inspections of possible bioweapons facilities. The Administration, by contrast, opposes them. Candle Light March to End Child Labor and Sweatshop Abuses Last night was the National Labor Committee’s 5th annual Holiday Season of Conscience in New York, and thousands ofstudents and workers gathered to hold a vigil against sweatshop labor conditions. The New York Labor-ReligionCoalition, workers from the unions UNITE and United Steelworkers of America, New York area high school students, andthe Committee Against Labor Exploitation marched from Niketown to the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree. |
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Public Date | 2006-12-02 10:05:37 |
Language | en |
Codec | h264 |
Resolution | 320x240 |
Bitrate | 512.152 kb/s |
Frame Rate | 29.97 fps |
Two U.S. Troops Are Killed and 20 Injured Today in Kandahar As a U.S. B-52 Strikes Too Close, As Thousands of Afghans Flee Their Homes to Avoid U.S. Airstrikes On Villages That Have Killedhundreds | |
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Description | Two U.S. Troops Are Killed and 20 Injured Today in Kandahar As a U.S. B-52 Strikes Too Close, As Thousands of Afghans Flee Their Homes to Avoid U.S. Airstrikes On Villages That Have Killedhundreds Two U.S. troops were killed and 20 injured today along with an unknown number of anti-Taliban forces in a mistakenB-52 bombing north of Kandahar, Afghanistan. According to the U.S. Central Command in Tampa, Florida, a B-52 bomber,flying in support of opposition forces, “dropped its ordnance in close proximity to friendly forces.” As Another Palestinian Suicide Bomber Kills Himself, Switzerland Opens An Internationalconference to See If Israel Is Violating the Geneva Conventions On Warfare By Occupying Palestine A Palestinian suicide bomber set off explosives outside a central Jerusalem hotel this morning, killing himself andlightly hurting two bystanders. The explosion followed two days of the most ferocious air assault by Israel since thestart of the intifada 14 months ago. Yesterday, two Palestinians were killed and 150 injured when U.S.-made IsraeliF-16 jet dropped a large bomb on a Palestinian security service building in a residential area of the Gaza Strip.Apache helicopters destroyed Palestinian President Yasser Arafat’s three personal helicopters in Gaza City. Rival Afghan Parties Establish An Interim Power-Sharing Agreement in Afghanistan, Naming Twowomen to Government Positions, But Women Activists Want More Rival Afghan parties finalized a deal today on who will govern their country when the war is over. The power-sharingagreement, hammered out in over a week of talks outside Bonn, promises to name two women in the cabinet-one as adeputy premier and minister of women’s affairs, and another as the health minister. After a marathon 10-hournegotiating session, Hamid Karzai, a Pashtun leader, was named the head of the interim administration. The interimadministration will govern from December 22 until Afghanistan’s traditional assembly meets in the spring to appoint agovernment to rule for a further two years until elections are held. Labor Activist Kim Moody Talks About Labor and War At the Globalization and Resistance conference at the City University of New York, Kim Moody, author of A Republican Congressional Aide Identifies Chart Listing 57 of the Most Onerous Andtop-Secret Rules the Business Community Wants to Target Republican congressional aide Barbara Kahlow sent the e-mail to a dozen business lobbyists on Sept. 26: “Here’s ournon-public chart,” it said. She underlined “non-public” and put it in boldface. “This was hush-hush,behind-closed-doors stuff,” one of the lobbyists recalled. |
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Public Date | 2006-12-05 22:19:54 |
Language | en |
Codec | h264 |
Resolution | 320x240 |
Bitrate | 512.155 kb/s |
Frame Rate | 29.97 fps |
Democracy Now! television program for Tuesday, December 4, 2001 | |
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Description | Democracy Now! television program for Tuesday, December 4, 2001 |
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Public Date | 2006-12-02 06:02:21 |
Language | en |
Codec | h264 |
Resolution | 320x240 |
Bitrate | 512.739 kb/s |
Frame Rate | 29.97 fps |
Democracy Now! television program for Monday, December 3, 2001 | |
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Description | Democracy Now! television program for Monday, December 3, 2001 Headlines Several cabinet ministers demanded that Israel expel Arafat, and reporters accompanying Sharon said he was weighingthe proposal. There is no indication that President Bush is trying to persuade the Is COINTELPRO Returns? The Bush Administration Asks Congress to Expand the FBI's Surveillancepowers, Loosening Restrictions Put in Place After the FBI Targeted the Black Panther Party, Theamerican Indian The Bush administration is asking Congress for a second major expansion of federal surveillance powers that wouldallow for the “disruption” of what the attorney general calls suspected terrorist groups. The proposal would loosenone of the most fundamental restrictions on the conduct of the FBI that were imposed in the 1970s after the death ofJ. Edgar Hoover and the disclosures that the FBI had run a widespread domestic surveillance program, Cointelpro, tomonitor the Black Panthers, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, and antiwar activists. Peace March Arrives in New York, Activists Leave for Iraq Amid Threats of U.S. Attacks US bombers for the second time in two days have killed dozens of civilians in eastern Afghanistan as well as friendlymujahedin fighters supporting their battle against al-Qa’ida. Mujehedeen commanders said hundreds of people,overwhelmingly civilians, may have been killed by US bombing over the weekend. As Congress Offers Billions in Corporate Welfare, As Laura Bush Condemns the Treatment Ofafghan Women, and As Mayor Rudolph Guiliani Lures Tourists to New York By Casting It As a City Ofcompassionate Congress offers billions of dollars in corporate welfare to wealthy multinationals; Laura Bush condemns the brutaltreatment of Afghan women; and Mayor Rudolph Guiliani lures tourists to New York by casting it as a city ofcompassionate unity after September 11. Feminist Theologian Dr. Riffat Hassan On Women and Islam, As Afghan Women Struggle to Gain Aseat in the Reconstructed Government of Afghanistan Burhanuddin Rabbani, the Northern Alliance leader who was Afghanistan’s last president before the Taliban seizedpower, said yesterday that his interim government in Kabul would allow a maximum of 200 United Nations peace-keepersto be stationed in the country. Rabbani insisted his party, Jamiat-i-Islami, was glad to send delegates to theconference in Bonn, even though “we didn’t have time to prepare fully”. But he revealed differences with the otherparties taking part in the conference. |
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Public Date | 2006-12-02 04:10:51 |
Language | en |
Codec | h264 |
Resolution | 320x240 |
Bitrate | 511.981 kb/s |
Frame Rate | 29.97 fps |
* Headlines for Wednesday, November 28th, 2001 | |
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Description | * Headlines for Wednesday, November 28th, 2001 * Workers for World's Largest Natural Gas Company Sue for Retirement Savings * Afghan Factions Meet in Bonn to Discuss Reconstructing the Afghan Government; But Are Thevoices of Women Being Heard? * The Bush Administration Tells Pesticide Companies It's Okay to Pay People to Swallow Toxicpesticide Cocktails to Test Their Products * Here and There: Reflections of a Palestinian Diaspora in a Post-September 11th World * Hindus and Other Bangladeshi Minorities Fear a So-Called "Talibanization" of Their Countrywith the Spread of Islamic Fundamentalism |
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Public Date | 2006-11-17 17:58:03 |
Language | en |
Codec | mpeg4 |
Resolution | 320x240 |
Bitrate | 209.924 kb/s |
Frame Rate | 29.969 fps |
* Headlines for Tuesday, November 27th, 2001 | |
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Description | * Headlines for Tuesday, November 27th, 2001 * Democrats Hold Hearings On Military Tribunals for Suspected Terrorists, Which Authorize Unusual Shortcuts and Keep Secret Evidence From Defendents... And Some Say, Will Authorize Torturing Suspects * With the Help of Multinational Tobacco Corporations, the US Undermines Another World Conference: The Global Tobacco Talks * Spain Refuses to Extradite September 11 Suspects to the US for a Secret Military Tribunal * As the Mainstream Media Cheers the Talks in Germany On the Future of Government of Afghanistan, Human Rights Activist Medea Benjamin Leads a Delegation Into Afghanistan to Find Out What Women Want * Should the Government Be Allowed to Force Patients to Be Vaccinated, Take Over Hospitals and Seize Drug Supplies? As State Legislatures Consider Legislation, a Debate |
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Public Date | 2006-11-17 17:56:48 |
Language | en |
Codec | mpeg4 |
Resolution | 320x240 |
Bitrate | 209.889 kb/s |
Frame Rate | 29.969 fps |
* Headlines for Monday, November 26th, 2001 | |
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Description | * Headlines for Monday, November 26th, 2001 * Hundreds of Prisoners of War Are Killed As U.S. Jets Launch Air Strikes to Bomb An Apparentprison Uprising; More Than a Thousand U.S. Troops Are Deployed Into Southern Afghanistan * Ins Arrests a Palestinian Teacher in Florida for Supposed Involvement with Terroristorganizations * Family Members of September 11 Victims March From Pentagon to New York City to Call for Peace * A Professor Is Criticized for Saying the U.S. Should Bring Bin Laden Before An Internationaltribunal Instead of Bombing Afghanistan: A Debate On the Role of the University in Wartime * Federal Authorities Ransack a Somali Grocery Store in Seattle; Somalis and Anti-Globalization Activists Join Forces in Protest * Japan Sends Warships to Support U.S. War in Afghanistan |
Uploader | archivedotorg@democracynow.org |
Public Date | 2006-11-17 17:55:03 |
Language | en |
Codec | mpeg4 |
Resolution | 320x240 |
Bitrate | 209.963 kb/s |
Frame Rate | 29.969 fps |
Democracy Now! television program November 23, 2001 | |
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Description | Democracy Now! television program November 23, 2001 |
Uploader | archivedotorg@democracynow.org |
Public Date | 2006-11-17 17:52:34 |
Language | en |
Codec | mpeg4 |
Resolution | 320x240 |
Bitrate | 210.188 kb/s |
Frame Rate | 29.969 fps |
Democracy Now! television program, November 22, 2001 | |
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Description | Democracy Now! television program, November 22, 2001 |
Uploader | archivedotorg@democracynow.org |
Public Date | 2006-11-17 17:50:56 |
Language | en |
Codec | mpeg4 |
Resolution | 320x240 |
Bitrate | 209.942 kb/s |
Frame Rate | 29.969 fps |
Democracy Now! television program for Thursday, November 15, 2001 | |
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Description | Democracy Now! television program for Thursday, November 15, 2001 Humanitarian Organizations Face Looting and Killing As They Try to Deliver Aid to the Poorest People of Afghanistan When the Northern Alliance took Kabul, many thought that humanitarian aid could be immediately resumed into thepoverty-stricken country. U.N Security Council Votes Unanimously for a Resolution Encouraging Member States Toparticipate in a Peace-Keeping Force The United Nations Security Council yesterday voted unanimously for a resolution encouraging member states to providemilitary and other support for security arrangements in areas no longer controlled by the Taliban militia. The Putin-Bush Summit in Texas: Why Would Putin Agree to Scrap the Abm Treaty? Could It Bebecause the US May Offer to Let Russia Build Part of Its Missile Defense System? President Bush and Russian President Vladimir Putin are in Crawford Texas today, where Bush is attempting to convincePutin to allow the US to abandon the Anti-ballistic missile treaty so he can move forward with missile defense. As the Dominican Community Mourns Losses From Crash of American Airlines Flight 587 Inqueens, Many Family Members of Undocumented Immigrants Are Afraid to Claim Their Dead Or Leave Thecountry to Bury Almost 90 percent of the 265 people who died on Monday in the crash of the American Airlines Flight 587 jetlinerbound for Santo Domingo were of Dominican origin. Dominican Consul Luis Eludis Perez, his eyes red from grieving,said, “There’s no break for the Dominicans. We had hardly begun to recover from the shock of the September 11tragedy, and now this happens.” As Anti-Terrorism Legislation and Fear of Dissent Sweep the Country, How Can the Activistleft Organize Against Racial Profiling and Against the War? Since September 11 teachers, students and activists around the country have been targeted for speaking out againstthe U.S. bombing of Afghanistan in particular and US. foreign policy more generally. Among the latest examples is areport from the conservative American Council of Trustees and Alumni that lists more than 100 students and professorswho have spoken out since September 11th as examples of un-American activity. In a Time of Crackdown On Immigrant, Arab, and South Asian Communities in the US, Actor Peter Coyote Talks to US About Knowing Our Rights Since September 11 the Bush Administration has launched an unprecedented assault on the rights of immigrants and theaccused in the name of fighting terrorism. |
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Public Date | 2006-11-05 14:23:21 |
Language | en |
Codec | h264 |
Resolution | 320x240 |
Bitrate | 512.535 kb/s |
Frame Rate | 29.97 fps |
Democracy Now! television program for Wednesday, November 14, 2001 | |
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Description | Democracy Now! television program for Wednesday, November 14, 2001 In-studio music by: Brad Will Shooting the Messenger: U.S. Missiles Destroy the Kabul Office of Al Jazeera, the "CNN of the Arab World" After the Northern Alliance Began to Take the City The Kabul office of the Arab satellite channel Al-Jazeera, the Arab satellite station that has broadcast twovideotapes of Osama bin Laden denouncing America, was obliterated in US bombing early yesterday morning. "Short On Patriotism"? Lynne Cheney and Sen. Lieberman's Organization Targets University Students and Professors for Criticizing U.S. Foreign Policy Since September 11 teachers, students and people around the country have been targeted for speaking out against theU.S. bombing of Afghanistan in particular and U.S. foreign policy more generally. At the City University of NewYork, for example, the Chancellor issued a statement denouncing students and professors who participated in a teach-in on the attacks and U.S. foreign policy. After a Long Night of Negotiations, the World Trade Organization Talks in Qatar Almost Fallthrough, But Activists Outmaneuver Drug Makers Efforts were under way all through the night last night to break a deadlock in World Trade Organization talks onlaunching a global trade round. Trade ministers from more than 140 countries today ran up against last-minuteobjections by India to plans for trade pact talks aimed at boosting the tottering world economy and lifting millionsfrom poverty. India, a vocal defender of its national interest, had refused to endorse a new series of WTO talks onissues from farming to industrial tariffs that it sees as skewed in favor of rich countries. 20 nations--includingEuropean Union and the US-–met with India last night and to offer them a opt-out. Failure to reach a deal would be abody blow to the world trading system at a time when global economies are teetering on the brink of recession, butdiplomats said they remained confident a deal could be clinched. Secret U.S. Military Tribunal to Try Non-Citizens; the Justice Department Asks Lawenforcement Agencies to Pick Up 5,000 Legal Immigrants From the Middle East for Questioning It Callsvoluntary President Bush signed an order yesterday allowing special military tribunals to try people accused of terrorism. Asenior administration official said that any such trials would “not necessarily” be public and that the Americantribunals might operate in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Under the order, the president himself is to determine who isan accused terrorist and therefore subject to trial by the tribunal. A senior Justice Department official, speakingon condition of anonymity, said only noncitizens would be tried before the military commission. Thousands of Germans Protest Nuclear Waste Shipments From France In a small town in rural Germany a major standoff between activists and police is intensifying as thousands of peopleattempt to stop railroad shipments of highly radioactive waste from France to Germany. As U.N. Prepares to Send "Peace-Keeping" Forces, Women Protest the War in Columbus, Ohio The Northern Alliance has taken Kabul but the war isn’t over. Ralph Nader Speaks to Thousands - Part II Ralph Nader spoke to thousands in Boston on Saturday night about corporate power, the media, human rights, and war. |
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Public Date | 2006-11-05 07:52:49 |
Language | en |
Codec | h264 |
Resolution | 320x240 |
Bitrate | 511.985 kb/s |
Frame Rate | 29.97 fps |
Democracy Now! television program for Tuesday, November 13, 2001 | |
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Description | Democracy Now! television program for Tuesday, November 13, 2001 Headlines Dozens may have been slain in Kabul, and hundreds more are reported killed in the Northern Alliance stronghold ofMazar-I-Sharif.Taliban military forces deserted the Afghanistan capital of Kabul overni As the Northern Alliance Takes Kabul, Reports Emerge That They Have Already Massacredhundreds of Pakistanis in Mazar-I-Sharif Northern Alliance troops today captured Kabul after Taliban forces fled the Afghan capital overnight. Northern Alliance Defies the U.S. and Takes Kabul; the Last Time They Took the Capital 50,000 Civilians Died Robert Fisk writes in today’s Independent: "The Northern Alliance’s sudden victories in Afghanistan may be good news for the West but the bad news is not farbehind. The Uzbek, Tadjik and Hazara gunmen who make up this rag-tag army have a bloody reputation for torturing andexecuting prisoners which—if resumed in the coming days—will plunge America and Britain into a moral abyss. Why Won't News Organizations Just Say It? First They Delay the News, Then They Bury It: Gorewon George W. Bush would have lost Florida and therefore the Presidency if there had been a complete statewide recount.This is the apparent result of a review of uncounted ballots in the 2000 Presidential election. The new data,compiled by AP and seven other news organizations, suggests Bush would have won Florida only under a more selectiverecount of the 4 counties that were the subject of Al Gore’s legal strategy. A Plane Crashes in Queens, New York, Killing 260 People On Board and at Least 6 More On Theground. It's Hard for a Shaky Country to Believe, But the Crash Appears to Be An Accident Three minutes after taking off from New York’s Kennedy Airport yesterday morning, an American Airlines jetliner boundfor the Dominican Republic suddenly broke apart and plunged into a Queens neighborhood. Former Green Party Presidential Candidate Ralph Nader Rouses Thousands at a "Democracyrising" Rally in Boston The New York Times reported yesterday that top executives from Hollywood’s movie studios, television networks,cinema operators and labor unions met for 90 minutes Sunday morning with Karl Rove, senior adviser to President Bush,to discuss how the entertainment industry could cooperate in the war on terrorism and to begin setting up a structureto make it happen. |
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Public Date | 2006-11-07 02:49:43 |
Language | en |
Codec | h264 |
Resolution | 320x240 |
Bitrate | 511.981 kb/s |
Frame Rate | 29.97 fps |
Abortion Clinics in the Midwest and Northeast Receive More Than 200 Anthrax Threats | |
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Description | Abortion Clinics in the Midwest and Northeast Receive More Than 200 Anthrax Threats Federal Express packages containing white powder and the threat “This contains anthrax. You’re going to die,” arrivedat more than 200 Midwest and East Coast abortion clinics on Thursday. At the WTO Meeting in Qatar Poor Countries Demand That the US Put Human Rights Over Thepatent Rights of Drug Companies, As Thousands Protest Around the World Today is the fourth day of the five-day meetings of the World Trade Organization, which are being held in the tinyisland Gulf state Qatar. The United States and Switzerland edged closer to agreement with developing countriesdemanding more leeway to override drug patents for health emergencies, one of the issues threatening to block newglobal trade talks. Double Standards at Ground Zero: How the U.S. Responds to Terrorism in New York and Easttimor The U.N. Security Council last week formally endorsed East Timor ‘s plans to declare independence on May 20 of nextyear, pledging that the United Nations will “remain engaged” in the world’s newest nation. East Timorese Recall Santa Cruz Massacre Ten Years Ago That Marked Turning Point Inresistance to Indonesian Occupation The U.N. Security Council last week formally endorsed East Timor ‘s plans to declare independence on May 20 of nextyear, pledging that the United Nations will “remain engaged” in the world’s newest nation. East Timor’s constituentassembly is writing the country’s constitution and preparing for the day they will run their own affairs. And inDili, residents are holding a ceremony, as they do every November 12, to commemorate the Santa Cruz massacre. Labor Activists Describe the Changed Landscape for Workers Since September 11 This weekend in Boston thousands of people gathered for a major rally sponsored by Democracy Rising. Among thespeakers were labor activists describing how workers have been most affected by the economic aftermath of theSeptember 11 attacks. |
Uploader | dave@democracynow.org |
Public Date | 2008-05-15 14:34:13 |
Language | No Language |
Codec | h264 |
Resolution | 320x240 |
Bitrate | 511.976 kb/s |
Frame Rate | 29.97 fps |
Democracy Now! television program for Friday, November 9, 2001 | |
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Description | Democracy Now! television program for Friday, November 9, 2001 |
Uploader | No Uploader |
Public Date | 2006-11-06 03:28:00 |
Language | en |
Codec | h264 |
Resolution | 320x240 |
Bitrate | 512.62 kb/s |
Frame Rate | 29.97 fps |
Democracy Now! television program for Thursday, November 8, 2001 | |
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Description | Democracy Now! television program for Thursday, November 8, 2001 |
Uploader | No Uploader |
Public Date | 2006-11-05 01:14:36 |
Language | en |
Codec | h264 |
Resolution | 320x240 |
Bitrate | 511.988 kb/s |
Frame Rate | 29.97 fps |
Democracy Now! television program for Wednesday, November 7, 2001 | |
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Description | Democracy Now! television program for Wednesday, November 7, 2001 |
Uploader | No Uploader |
Public Date | 2006-11-05 20:44:30 |
Language | en |
Codec | h264 |
Resolution | 320x240 |
Bitrate | 511.949 kb/s |
Frame Rate | 29.97 fps |
Democracy Now! television program for Tuesday, November 6, 2001 | |
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Description | Democracy Now! television program for Tuesday, November 6, 2001 |
Uploader | No Uploader |
Public Date | 2006-11-04 17:44:09 |
Language | en |
Codec | h264 |
Resolution | 320x240 |
Bitrate | 511.983 kb/s |
Frame Rate | 29.97 fps |
Democracy Now! television program for Monday, November 5, 2001 | |
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Description | Democracy Now! television program for Monday, November 5, 2001 |
Uploader | No Uploader |
Public Date | 2006-11-04 11:29:26 |
Language | en |
Codec | h264 |
Resolution | 320x240 |
Bitrate | 511.978 kb/s |
Frame Rate | 29.97 fps |
Democracy Now! television program for Friday, November 2, 2001 | |
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Description | Democracy Now! television program for Friday, November 2, 2001 |
Uploader | No Uploader |
Public Date | 2006-11-04 05:08:38 |
Language | en |
Codec | h264 |
Resolution | 320x240 |
Bitrate | 511.992 kb/s |
Frame Rate | 29.97 fps |
No Description | |
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Description | No Description |
Uploader | dave@democracynow.org |
Public Date | 2008-05-07 17:11:09 |
Language | No Language |
Codec | h264 |
Resolution | 320x240 |
Bitrate | 511.987 kb/s |
Frame Rate | 29.97 fps |
No Description | |
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Description | No Description |
Uploader | dave@democracynow.org |
Public Date | 2006-10-04 15:15:33 |
Language | No Language |
Codec | h264 |
Resolution | 320x240 |
Bitrate | 512.037 kb/s |
Frame Rate | 29.97 fps |
No Description | |
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Description | No Description |
Uploader | archivedotorg@democracynow.org |
Public Date | 2006-08-29 19:56:43 |
Language | No Language |
Codec | h264 |
Resolution | 320x240 |
Bitrate | 512.014 kb/s |
Frame Rate | 29.97 fps |
* Headlines for Thursday, September 20th, 2001 | |
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Description | * Headlines for Thursday, September 20th, 2001 * US Pressures Japan to Change Its Pacifist Constitution to Support Military Action Againstafghanistan * Bush Administration Presses for Authority to Detain Immigrants Indefinitely and Deport Themwithout Hearing * Days Before the Bombing, the U.S. Pulled Out of the U.N. Conference Against Racism: Aninterview with the Speaker of the South African Assembly On the South African Reaction to the Attacksand the Bush Administration's Drumbeat to War * As the U.S. Sends Aircraft and Troops to the Middle East, An Interview with Ambassador Farhadi, Afghanistan's Permanent Representative to the U.N. * A High Ranking Palestinian Official Who Once Engaged in Hijacking Condemns the Attack On Newyork and Washington, Describes Israel's Crackdown On the Occupied Territories in the Aftermath |
Uploader | archivedotorg@democracynow.org |
Public Date | 2006-07-18 23:45:00 |
Language | en |
Codec | h264 |
Resolution | 320x240 |
Bitrate | 511.95 kb/s |
Frame Rate | 29.97 fps |